Diablo Composite Squadron 44
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Professional Development


During the completion of Level I, you were told about the different squadron jobs and specialty tracks. You should begin progression on your specialty track so that you can open up new possibilities to lead and contribute to Civil Air Patrol.

CAP Customs and Courtesies

As a member of the Total Force, Civil Air Patrol/United States Air Force Auxiliary practices Air Force-Style Customs & Courtesies. All members should read and review the Customs and Courtesies Pamphlet: Customs and Courtesies Pamphlet

Welcome to Level II !  Now that you've completed Level I, you are ready for Level II. 

Level II: Technical Training

To complete this level and earn the Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Award, you will:

  1. Choose a Specialty and receive a Technician's rating in that specialty.
  2. Find a mentor for your specialty track (your Professional Development Officer can assist).
  3. Getting a job to help your squadron. CAP has over 2 dozen jobs squadrons have to accomplish its mission.
  4. Complete Officer Basic Course - Leadership Essentials.  For enrollment information click here!
  5. Complete Squadron Leadership School - In person course. Squadron Leadership School (SLS) provides CAP's adult members with a basic understanding of CAP operations at the squadron level and how those operations affect CAP's national missions. Additionally, members learn more about CAP customs, core values, and communications. Case studies, discussion, and group assignments are integral facets of the SLS.
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